I got an email from John Goldberg a while back asking if I’d be interested in being interviewed about Torts for a Business Law class he’s teaching this semester at Sacramento City College. It took me back to the days when I was a student at California State University, Fullerton where my first introduction to the law was, oddly enough, in a Business Law class and learned about Torts – or, as more commonly know, personal injury law.
I, of course, had to agree to do this. It brings three of my passions together: the law, business, and talking about the law. I’ve thought about teaching for a long time and have been involved in Moot Court competitions and enjoyed addressing the lawyers-to-be after watching them present cases. The only problem I have was the limited amount of time I could talk about personal injury law. It’s a subject that take lawyers years to learn. A year in law school and a lifetime of learning as the law changes and expands. As with many areas of law, personal injury law is a living, breathing, and evolving area.